How Netaxis APIO empowers leading service providers to embrace UCaaS and CPaaS

Netaxis APIO is a gateway to seamless provisioning of fixed and mobile subscribers on service provider networks.

In the changing world of telecommunications, service providers face the enormous challenge of managing increasingly complex networks while keeping pace with the rapid evolution of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) solutions. This is where the Netaxis APIO (API Orchestrator) platform emerges as a critical enabler, serving as a gateway to seamlessly provision fixed and mobile subscribers on service provider networks while unlocking the advanced capabilities of UCaaS and CPaaS offerings.

The complexity of modern telecom networks

Today’s telecom networks have become complex ecosystems, with service providers needing to juggle a myriad of technologies, platforms, and regulatory requirements. The traditional approach to network management, characterised by manual processes and siloed systems, is no longer sufficient to keep up with the pace of change.

The rapid evolution of UCaaS and CPaaS

Parallel to the growing complexity of telecom networks, the UCaaS and CPaaS landscapes are undergoing rapid transformation. New solutions and capabilities are constantly emerging, offering service providers opportunities to create innovative and compelling services for their customers. However, this rapid evolution also presents a challenge, as service providers must remain agile and adaptable to integrate and leverage these evolving technologies while protecting themselves with the numerous consolidation waves in this sector. Agility and flexibility is more than ever key.

The role of Netaxis APIO, partner for telecom operators

This is where the Netaxis APIO platform steps in as a crucial enabler for service providers. APIO serves as a gateway, seamlessly connecting service provider networks with the advanced capabilities of UCaaS and CPaaS solutions. By providing a centralised and programmable platform, APIO empowers service providers to quickly and efficiently provision fixed and mobile subscribers, while also exposing their network and customer base to the latest UCaaS and CPaaS offerings.

Key benefits of Netaxis APIO
  • Network agility: APIO’s fully programmable architecture allows service providers to adapt their networks with ease, responding to changing requirements and new market demands.
  • Automated provisioning: APIO’s automated provisioning capabilities significantly reduces the time and effort required to onboard new subscribers, improving operational efficiency.
  • Centralised service orchestration: APIO acts as a central decision point for service orchestration, enabling service providers to manage and optimise their offerings with greater control and visibility.
  • Seamless integration: APIO’s integration capabilities allow service providers to seamlessly connect their networks with the latest UCaaS and CPaaS solutions, ensuring they can leverage the most advanced capabilities to create differentiated services.
  • Service routing: APIO is deeply integrated with core connectivity solutions such as SBC (session border controllers, HLR, IMS,…) and Netaxis SRE, the Service Routing Engine to manage all VoIP traffic in the networks being fixed or mobile.


Netaxis APIO a gateway integrates service provider networks with Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) solutions:

Centralised API Gateway
APIO acts as a central API gateway, exposing a set of developer-friendly REST APIs that abstract the complexity of the underlying network elements. This allows service providers to integrate APIO with their IT systems and automate onboarding processes, reducing manual provisioning workloads.

Workflow Orchestration
APIO comes equipped with a workflow engine that facilitates higher-level orchestration across different network elements. This enables service providers to build digital experiences and automate processes that span multiple systems, such as seamless zero-touch provisioning of devices.

Improved Customer Experience
By providing a centralised, white-labelled self-care portal, APIO enables service providers to deliver a better digital experience to their customers. Customers can easily manage their virtual PBX environment, configure devices, and access usage and licence reporting, all through a modern, mobile-friendly interface. In summary, Netaxis APIO serves as a strategic enabler for service providers, allowing them to integrate their existing network infrastructure with the latest UCaaS and CPaaS solutions, automate critical processes, and deliver enhanced digital experiences to their customers.


In the face of the evolving telecom landscape, service providers must embrace innovative solutions that can help them navigate the complexities of modern networks and capitalise on the opportunities presented by UCaaS and CPaaS. The Netaxis APIO platform emerges as a strategic enabler, empowering service providers to simplify network management, automate critical processes, and unlock the full potential of the latest communications technologies. By leveraging APIO, service providers can enhance their agility, improve operational efficiency, and deliver compelling, differentiated services to their customers. Netaxis Solutions, founded over a decade ago, implemented the platforms to over 70 leading operators globally.

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